Institutional strengthening Resource mobilization

Strengthening our Human Resource and Governance structures will be one of our top priority areas. This will be achieved through a comprehensive capacity assessment followed by rigorous capacity building and filling of resource identified gaps. This will come with sustained efforts to growing our financial muscle by widening our finance base, initiating income generating activities and aggressively fundraising for our programs.

To widen our resource base will start with availing most innovative yet most accessible and cost-effective systems within our programming and diversifying our interventions to be in-line with national and global interest areas – The Government’s Big Four Agenda and the global Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs).

Our operational procedures and programming approach will be audited regularly to determine those we need to retain and areas of streamlining and improvement as a way of dealing with duplication of roles and inefficiency. While there are enough efforts to bringing in more resources, we must as well

focus on saving on as many sectors as we reasonably possible.

UWO will strongly look into diversifying our revenue streams and funding structure. Today, we depend on donor funding and support for corporate partners. But options like stating a low cost but high returns projects such as creating high value events with corporate partners in mind, take up high value.

Networking, collaboration and learning opportunities

We are under the guidance of community engagement procedures manual which is aimed at ensuring that community residents, partners and the stakeholders have a voice to influence the development of strategies that will affect lives, and to inform the way in which services in the community are planned and delivered.

Project, Finance and Budget management

We are driven by accountability and transparency principles on resource use and enhanced consistency, efficiency and effectiveness in performance for quality service delivery

Monitoring, evaluation and learning

We use monitoring tools such as the information use plan, data quality plan, M&E tracker forms including note taking forms for focus group discussion and in-depth interview and participants observation, indicator matrix, stakeholder analysis matrix and evaluation matrix to capture key project information.





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