Response to emergencies

UWO has a focus on bolstering agricultural production, jumpstart local market activity, support micro-enterprise initiatives, and otherwise enhance a vulnerable community’s access to sustainable sources of food and income. We do: –

  • Conduct trainings on diversification of pastoralism productivity with low inputs of capital and labor through sound land and water management practices, emphasizing interventions and crops adapted to the local agro-ecology to reduce risk and vulnerability to climate change.
  • Introduce low-cost, sustainable systems of irrigation that require no external sources of energy with production linked to good markets.
  • When disasters destroy infrastructure and food supplies, when violence forces thousands to flee, or when drought disrupts food production, UWO intends to respond by distributing food and non-food items to prevent hunger in the short-term and ensure that crops can be replanted and livestock restocked in the future. We provide inputs and capacity building to the women and the community residents.

Community food security and livelihoods Meetings

UWO has supported a series of food security and livelihoods meetings in Jara jara village of Sub-Balambala County. These meetings have always discussed pertinent issues around cross food security and livelihoods, culminating in concrete farm equipment support.

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